Local Burglaries
Increasingly these days we are worried by the threats posed by different forms of Cybercrime. However, there are still instances of burglaries of dwellings and non-dwellings (sheds, garages etc).
Remember that your tools may be used to facilitate entry to your house. Keep them under lock and key and out of sight and fit an additional lock if possible. Normal locks do not present much of a deterrent to would-be burglars.
Following a number of non-dwelling burglaries in the Eastleigh area, the Police have reminded householders to lock all doors including:
- Car doors
- Sheds
- Up-and-over garage doors
For the latest ENWA advice on assessing and improving the security of your shed or garage please click here.
For a copy of the home security checklist please click here.
Theft from Vehicles
Following a number of thefts from vehicles in Chandler’s Ford and Hedge End areas, the police have reminded the public to lock up vehicles and not to leave valuables inside. Some of the vehicles were insecure and owners are urged to take simple crime prevention measures.
Vehicle Crime Advice
Click to read about Keyless Theft
For advice on how to keep your vehicle safe, go to: