
In the distant past, Eastleigh Neighbourhood Watch published a quarterly newsletter called ‘Watch Out!’ which was distributed free to all members. Unfortunately, the rising cost of printing and postage and difficulties of distribution made this prohibitive and production of the newsletter ceased. However many coordinators said they missed this source of news, so we re-introduced our newsletter as an e-newsletter to be circulated by email to Coordinators, printed where required or accessed via our website.

Our new Quarterly Newsletter, now titled ‘Watch-Word’, was first published in March 2020 and is circulated to all coordinators via email.

Here you can see the latest edition of Watch-Word.

If you would like to read any of our older Watch -Words  follow this link.

You can also read the latest edition of the National Neighbourhood Watch e-newsletter ‘Our News’.

The latest Policing Eastleigh partnership newsletter produced by Eastleigh Police can be found  here.

The latest Crime Prevention Bulletin from the Force Crime Prevention team can be found here.

The latest Connect to Support Hampshire newsletter can be found here.

You can register here to receive Donna Jones’ newsletters each month.

Neighbourhood Watch is helping to connect and protect communities.