Reporting Crime

Communicate, Be Aware

Police Neighbourhood Patrol Teams are responsible for maintaining regular contact with the Neighbourhood Watch schemes on their beat.

It is important to maintain regular communication between the Police, the Association and the members. Eastleigh NWA circulates important notices to Coordinators for distribution, as do the Police via the Hampshire ALERT system. Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams also publish frequent crime bulletins that are sent by email to all NW Coordinators in their area. Householders are encouraged to report suspicious activities to the Police so that appropriate action can be taken. When doing so, please let the police know that you are a member of NW.

Hampshire Alert

Hampshire Alert logo

Are you a Coordinator? Have you signed up to Hampshire Alert yet?

It’s a quick, easy and free way to receive up to date information on crime and community policing information in your area. Register at

What you should report:

  • Strangers knocking on front doors or peering through windows or disappearing round the back
  • Strangers hanging around schools, playing fields etc or approaching children
  • Open windows in houses where you know the residents are away
  • Strangers trying car doors
  • Anything you think is suspicious such as vehicles in unusual locations or loitering

Suspicious Activities

Householders are encouraged to report suspicious activities to the Police so that appropriate action can be taken. When doing so, please let the police know if you are a member of NW. Also let your local NW Coordinator know (no details are made public).

Call 101

Phone 101 to report non-emergencies, 101 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Hampshire Police website also allows you to report a crime online or submit online forms for a variety of things including leaving a message for an officer, or report lost or found property.

It is important to report everything, even something you find suspicious, to the police – even if you don’t get a direct reply, the information may contribute to an overall picture of what is happening and lead to solving of crimes. If you wish to report online a suspicious event or things you may have seen or heard to the police which do not fall into the Anti-social behaviour or other crime categories suggested on the police website, a simple short guide of how best to do this can be found at here.


Help to keep 999 lines free for emergencies.

Only call 999 if:

  • There is a danger to life
  • A crime is happening now (or has just happened)
  • You have immediate concerns for safety
  • There is a dangerous incident on the motorway
  • You see something suspicious that needs immediate attention

Anonymous Information

If you have information on a crime or potential crime but do not wish to speak to the police directly and wish to remain anonymous, please consider contacting the Crimestoppers Charity.

As an independent charity, they are not part of the police. When you contact them you won’t be identified. The only person who knows you contacted them with information is you. Crimestoppers is not an emergency service, so it is important to contact the police immediately using 999 if there is an emergency.

Register Your Doorbell Camera

Your CCTV security cameras can help deter and rapidly solve crime. Register them on the N.I.C.E Investigate system. Follow this link for more details.

Eastleigh Police Station

Hampshire Police logo

Eastleigh District Commander: Chief Inspector Marcus Cator

Eastleigh District Inspector: Inspector Louise Hubble

Telephone: 101

Note: if there is no answer from the requested extension, please ask for the Force Enquiry Centre who will forward your message to the person concerned.


Enquiry Office

The Leigh Road Police Station closed in March 2019 and Officers serving the Eastleigh area moved to new office premises in Shakespeare Business Park. There is no longer a publicly accessible front desk. The nearest Police Station with an Enquiry Desk is Southern Road, Southampton SO15 1AN.

Neighbourhood Patrol Teams

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